
  • Prepare For Victory

    We’re all keen cyclists here at that love to race. We’d like to share our thoughts on preparing you for VICTORY in 2018 Everything from training to equipment, check out our information below   1. INDOOR TRAINING When you mention the dreaded ‘turbo’ to any keen cyclist they’d tell...
  • Clock Changes and Dark Nights

    Have you ever been driving or riding down the road and a dimly lit cyclist ahead of you is only just visible? As a cyclist we should be aware of how we are seen to other road users around us and make ourselves visible and increase our safety, as well...
  • Simply Saddles

    One aspect of cycling that is often over looked is the sizing of your saddle appropriate to your riding position.  We have previously looked at riding comfort in terms of clothing and chamois creams, but we haven't touched on whether your saddle is correct for you.  Until now!!   Many brands...